Group Assessment

Recruit a wide candidates number in a short period

Group assessment is one of the possible tools to adopt by specific recruiting cases.

It requires expert  recruiting consultants who analyses needs in order to define clear and definite goals:
  • Project design
  • Act as facilitators at all phases
  • Define time and monitor results achieved from step to step


First and last goal is to effectively and rapidily recruit a wide candidates number in a short period.

Target : 

It is particularly effective for recruiting young entry level candidates (high school degree, college degree), where there are still few work experiences and where professional orientation  is not yet clearly defined.

Our method:

Before a group assessment starts, a deep needs analysis takes place. Goal is to identify Customer recruiting needs.

Different steps:

  • Phone screening . It refers to a phone contact and to prepare a questionnaire based on specific customer needs and on defined the group size
  • Meeting with candidates with different steps: a group exercise based on an appropriately prepared case, who needs to be discussed and solved in a group  (max group size 15-17 people)
  • Observation grid: during group exercise 3 to 4 observators register observed behaviours on a grid based on critical elements for the job position profile
  • Consultants group meet and identify critical points and major strengths of observed people who will deeply discussed later during individual interviews with candidates
Some Tools:
  • ND –Skills Profile™ (self evaluation): it is a questionnaire based on Behavioural Theory, to be filled as a self evaluation by each candidate
  • Individual interview: at a same time two interviewers meet candidates: every interview  generally lasts 20 minutes
  • Interviewers during and at the end of interviewing session fill a ND Skills Profile based on what during candidate meeting emerges as relevant

In this way it is possible to obtain as a result a profile evaluation taking place based on different observation points: self evaluation, more interviewers, confrontation between self- and consultants evaluation)


A summary grid that allows an immediate candidate evaluation.
Once a decision will have taken plase about more suitable candidates, consultants will present them to company along with a ranking of all candidates.