by Giovanna Combatti
Leaving at first the candidates free to choose how to start their introduction and presentation, usually gives you a variety of information: what words he chooses to adopt, what impact he wants to have, what is the first thing he wants to tell you and so on.
It’s usually also very much revealing letting the candidate tell about his experience, what he did, what he is doing in a non structured way.
After that of course there is the Behavioural Questioning that goes back to behaviours referring to some of the points or stories the candidate explained that are key for the position we need to fill. And of course there is the motivation area to explore at this point.
After that of course there is the Behavioural Questioning that goes back to behaviours referring to some of the points or stories the candidate explained that are key for the position we need to fill. And of course there is the motivation area to explore at this point.
Close to the end it’s time for asking him what is his understanding of the position and of the company whom he is applying, that you will of course fill. At the very end you can review candidate compensation and contract level.
This way offers you to lead the whole interviewing session. Should you provide at the beginning some reference about the position and the company, than the candidate will surely direct his presentation according to what he understands you want to hear from him.
Postponing this, offers you a variety of more genuine information, that you later will consider in order to take a decision about how suitable they are with what you search.
Postponing this, offers you a variety of more genuine information, that you later will consider in order to take a decision about how suitable they are with what you search.
Should you have the chance of having a recruiter who carries the recruiting process, than he/she facilitates the candidate interview, while you may easier concentrate on what and how the candidate says.